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Thursday, August 11, 2011

i walked through a garden today and i thought of You

i walked through a garden today and i thought of You.
we arrived at Noel orphanage and were greeted by hundreds of children from 4/5 years old to teenagers before we all could get off the bus. hands were grabbed, cheeks kissed, and arms wrapped around necks.  we walked a hundred feet and were greeted by walking toddlers spilling out of rooms. they were quickly swept up and held in our arms and snuggled to our chests, heads buried in our necks and their heads and cheeks rubbed by our embracing hands. 
too soon after this, we were pulled away to take a tour, leaving the snuggles, embraces, hands and arms behind. 
on the tour, i walked through a garden, and thought of You. my heart breaking for them.  their hunger, their sickness, their "orphan" status. air escaped me and my heart sank. hearing nothing, but Your presence swirling around us. 
how much more Lord must Your heart break for us!  
Your prayed for me until blood as sweat dripped from your brow.  You prayed if it were Lord's will, this cup shall pass from You, but You drank from it and my sins like blood soon poured down Your broken body. 
today, i hugged orphans of the world, i kissed dirty cheeks, and had slobbery ones on mine, i held many tiny hands, hugged many necks, carried babies, and cried as we all sang "Hosanna" together. and i thought of You. 

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Thinking of you and praying for you dear friend.

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