how could it be, that such Holy Words would be permitted to pass through such tarnished lips? His perfect Word, His perfect Message, spoken by a very imperfect messenger.
i will be speaking His Word, delivering a Spirit inspired message to the people that attend the return ministry service on sunday. i see them, and they are anxious to hear. the children already ask me such incredible questions. some of the adults believe i have answers. i do not. all i know is that His ways are higher than my ways. all i know is that i am imperfect, He is perfect, and is doing a great work in all of us.
i do not know why they are hungry for food now, and a month ago, i was not, as i was living comfortably in the states. i do not know why their children die needlessly, and the children i knew in america did not. i do know though, that one day, the clouds will be rolled back, a great clap of thunder will sound, He will descend, "Lord of lords, King of kings" written down His thigh, sword coming from His mouth, angels sounding trumpets, Him dressed in white: ready to do battle, ready to defeat death, finality sin, and call us back with Him. we will all depart, be perfected, and gaze at His presence. we will all stand/kneel/fall in His presence, we will shout, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty" or simply "Holy, Holy, Holy" because no other words could possibly suffice. our once stained feet will stand on His Holy Ground. our stained eyes, that have witnessed atrocities, that have witnessed needless death, that have witnessed suffering, that have witnessed sin will gaze upon His Glory.
when they ask me: "where is God? amidst this suffering" i can only respond, He left the cross to prepare a place for you. for me. there is a matchless Glory that we have yet to see. even the most comfortable life is but filthy rags in comparison to what He is preparing. i do not have the answers. the only answer is His ways are higher than our ways. the only answer is: Jesus. the only answer is: wait for His glory.
His Glory. how can we even utter that? how can i even type that? i think of this in my mind, but i know what i can think is feeble compared to the matchless mightiness of this. i say that word "Glory" but i cannot fathom what it actually is. i can say "Holy" but i cannot fathom what that actually is. i only know that His Holiness is so powerful not even the seraphims could leave their feet uncovered or eyes open to be in It's presence.
i will bring a message on sunday. i will tell them that we have physical hunger so that we may now what it is to hunger for God, that we have thirst so that we may know what it is for our souls to thirst for His Word. i will talk about david and jeremiah. i will beg them to take their physical hunger and understand that hunger also exist for God. i will beg them to understand that they desperation they feel when their child is sick, the desperation to see them healed-that same desperation should be there for their souls to be redeemed, to be written, to be known by the Father that will not leave them. i will tell them of a Bridegroom that will never leave them, and the lonliness they feel, that is their soul weeping for Him.
there is a great injustice we see: hunger, thirst, starvation, death, desperation; but, God did not do that, satan did. we did it. sin did it. we cling to what is Good, abhor what is evil. there is a day coming, a day of reckoning. the day the skies open, and He descends. no more hunger, death, fear, loneliness, desperation.
what does love look like? it looks like this:
an embrace. a promise that one day, he will be in a land flowing with milk and honey. and she, she will meet her Bridegroom, who loves her so much, He left his Kingly throne, died, naked and beaten on a wooden cross, only to rise and prepare a mansion for her.
what does hope look like? like a pair of silly glasses made from fuzzy pipe cleaners, and a group of people who flew half way across the world to say, "you are beautiful, and loved". it is a smile amidst hunger, disease, and having to grow up way too soon.
pray. encourage. send. love. there are hands to be held, tears to be wiped, babies to hold and feed. heads to have hands placed on them and Truth spoken/prayed over them.
what good does visiting do? it tells them of a value they have. how Christ would leave His throne for them. how we would leave our comfort for them. it teaches us to: that same message.
it is speaking Life into a dark place. even a small flicker of light drives out darkness. but a tiny flame, in a dark room, brings much light. be that flame. be that light.
--i am still raising money for return ministries to purchase a land on that they can change their community with. build a house for the children. build a church center. empower and equip. there is a vision, please be a part of it. the land cost $150,000 and the buildings will be about the same, but right now, we just need to secure that land! be a part in providing a hope, a future, a reclamation, an ability to become self-sustaining.
a story: david is 16. he is one of the children that are part of return ministries. we recently talked about the story of the prodigal son with the older ones, with honesty in the telling of the harlots/prostitutes.
fast forward a few days later (yesterday) and all the younger children and older children are watching "veggie tales: the wizard of has" (a child friendly telling of the prodigal son--it's veggie tales after all!). when the son character left home an arrived in has, he was greeted by little green peas (munchkin men--get it, take from wizard of oz! :) )....anyway, at this point, david looked at me with all seriousness, and asked, "are those the prostitutes". i looked at him again for a second, and i said, "hm?" to make sure i understood him, he restated "are those the prostitutes? the story?" i laughed and explained to him there would be no prostitutes in this's made for young children, so they change it a little bit....he laughed. :)
love. give. change! empower!
i will be speaking His Word, delivering a Spirit inspired message to the people that attend the return ministry service on sunday. i see them, and they are anxious to hear. the children already ask me such incredible questions. some of the adults believe i have answers. i do not. all i know is that His ways are higher than my ways. all i know is that i am imperfect, He is perfect, and is doing a great work in all of us.
i do not know why they are hungry for food now, and a month ago, i was not, as i was living comfortably in the states. i do not know why their children die needlessly, and the children i knew in america did not. i do know though, that one day, the clouds will be rolled back, a great clap of thunder will sound, He will descend, "Lord of lords, King of kings" written down His thigh, sword coming from His mouth, angels sounding trumpets, Him dressed in white: ready to do battle, ready to defeat death, finality sin, and call us back with Him. we will all depart, be perfected, and gaze at His presence. we will all stand/kneel/fall in His presence, we will shout, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty" or simply "Holy, Holy, Holy" because no other words could possibly suffice. our once stained feet will stand on His Holy Ground. our stained eyes, that have witnessed atrocities, that have witnessed needless death, that have witnessed suffering, that have witnessed sin will gaze upon His Glory.
when they ask me: "where is God? amidst this suffering" i can only respond, He left the cross to prepare a place for you. for me. there is a matchless Glory that we have yet to see. even the most comfortable life is but filthy rags in comparison to what He is preparing. i do not have the answers. the only answer is His ways are higher than our ways. the only answer is: Jesus. the only answer is: wait for His glory.
His Glory. how can we even utter that? how can i even type that? i think of this in my mind, but i know what i can think is feeble compared to the matchless mightiness of this. i say that word "Glory" but i cannot fathom what it actually is. i can say "Holy" but i cannot fathom what that actually is. i only know that His Holiness is so powerful not even the seraphims could leave their feet uncovered or eyes open to be in It's presence.
i will bring a message on sunday. i will tell them that we have physical hunger so that we may now what it is to hunger for God, that we have thirst so that we may know what it is for our souls to thirst for His Word. i will talk about david and jeremiah. i will beg them to take their physical hunger and understand that hunger also exist for God. i will beg them to understand that they desperation they feel when their child is sick, the desperation to see them healed-that same desperation should be there for their souls to be redeemed, to be written, to be known by the Father that will not leave them. i will tell them of a Bridegroom that will never leave them, and the lonliness they feel, that is their soul weeping for Him.
there is a great injustice we see: hunger, thirst, starvation, death, desperation; but, God did not do that, satan did. we did it. sin did it. we cling to what is Good, abhor what is evil. there is a day coming, a day of reckoning. the day the skies open, and He descends. no more hunger, death, fear, loneliness, desperation.
what does love look like? it looks like this:
an embrace. a promise that one day, he will be in a land flowing with milk and honey. and she, she will meet her Bridegroom, who loves her so much, He left his Kingly throne, died, naked and beaten on a wooden cross, only to rise and prepare a mansion for her.
what does hope look like? like a pair of silly glasses made from fuzzy pipe cleaners, and a group of people who flew half way across the world to say, "you are beautiful, and loved". it is a smile amidst hunger, disease, and having to grow up way too soon.
pray. encourage. send. love. there are hands to be held, tears to be wiped, babies to hold and feed. heads to have hands placed on them and Truth spoken/prayed over them.
what good does visiting do? it tells them of a value they have. how Christ would leave His throne for them. how we would leave our comfort for them. it teaches us to: that same message.
it is speaking Life into a dark place. even a small flicker of light drives out darkness. but a tiny flame, in a dark room, brings much light. be that flame. be that light.
--i am still raising money for return ministries to purchase a land on that they can change their community with. build a house for the children. build a church center. empower and equip. there is a vision, please be a part of it. the land cost $150,000 and the buildings will be about the same, but right now, we just need to secure that land! be a part in providing a hope, a future, a reclamation, an ability to become self-sustaining.
a story: david is 16. he is one of the children that are part of return ministries. we recently talked about the story of the prodigal son with the older ones, with honesty in the telling of the harlots/prostitutes.
fast forward a few days later (yesterday) and all the younger children and older children are watching "veggie tales: the wizard of has" (a child friendly telling of the prodigal son--it's veggie tales after all!). when the son character left home an arrived in has, he was greeted by little green peas (munchkin men--get it, take from wizard of oz! :) )....anyway, at this point, david looked at me with all seriousness, and asked, "are those the prostitutes". i looked at him again for a second, and i said, "hm?" to make sure i understood him, he restated "are those the prostitutes? the story?" i laughed and explained to him there would be no prostitutes in this's made for young children, so they change it a little bit....he laughed. :)
love. give. change! empower!
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