i have countdown app on my ipod, and i've plugged in certain dates of events to come-events which my heart reaches for, as if this reaching will have them to come tomorrow. one event has exactly 2 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours and 20 minutes: my heart is giddy with excitement at the mere typing of that short time; the next event, my departure for africa is: 4 months, 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours ish...and my heart leaps at this as well. i think back to last summer, and the turmoil my heart was experiencing at during that time, the ravaging my heart had just been through and was trying desperately to recover from, and i say moreso now: anything of Your will that brings You glory. i remember at one point last year, sitting in the floor, praying with my roommate, with tears flowing from my eyes, and she said to me, we have to thank God for this. and i looked at her, tears still streaming. my lower lip pouting, saying how badly i wanted to, i really did, but i didn't know if i could, at least not right then. and she reminded me of the story of corrie ten boom and the fleas:
while corrie and other fellow ladies were being held in prison/cell rooms, she would have prayer sessions with them, telling them: "we must thank God, in all things" many of the women moaned at this: "how can we?!" and she insisted. one woman replied back, "even for the fleas?!"--as the prison room they were being held in was infested with fleas. sweet ms. corrie responded back, "yes, even for the fleas." and she led them in a prayer of thanks for the fleas. it happens that these fleas were God's protection of them: as the other women in the surrounding prison rooms were being raped nightly by the "guards" ms. corrie and these women were spared this fate, as none of the guards wanted to go in this one room because of all the fleas.
i examine last summer, and i thank God for that turmoil now. i examine other valleys i've walked through, and i thank God for those now too. i say, "anything of Your will for Your glory."
in the end, when my life is over, it won't matter what possessions i owned, what status in society i was held at, or who to, or even if i was married--all that will matter is being welcomed into His arms, hearing "well done good and faithful servant." there's a quote by voltaire (not that i really recommend one to read all of his works..) "i want to lie at your feet and die in your arms"--volaire most certainly did not mean this to be regarding his relationship with Christ, but, it perfectly describes mine. in the end, i want to be in His arms, daily, i want to simply lie at His feet. now and then, nothing else will matter. i want to see the impoverished, neglected, oppressed, abused, orphaned, welcomed into His arms as well.
last year, when i was in africa with a team from visiting orphans, one of our fellow team members stated so lovingly and pointedly: "all these orphans, here, they live in poverty now, and are the "last", but, they're going to have front row seats at the feet of Jesus in heaven--the last will be first and the first will be last--and we're all going to be in the back" we all celebrated at this thought. not much brings me greater joy than to think of these beautiful orphans and widows having front row seats at the feet of Jesus.
as time gets closer, and my countdown app reads a shorter and shorter time for my africa departure, more and more arrows fly, more stones are thrown, and i hear the footsteps of the enemy growing louder: and i look to this as confirmation, he hates for the Lord's will to be done, and he hates those that carry it out. he can hate me, i will love that he hates me.
at a conference these past few days, i heard some of my favorite theologians/pastors speaking, one of whom, john piper stated in his message on mission and the will of God, "our bones should boil within us to see the will of God done in all areas of the earth" this is a beautiful description: my bones boil within me, my heart burns within me. it can't not.
all the wants and desires of my heart, i must lay aside. all the things of the world, i must lay aside: no receipt of my fleshly wants will i take to heaven to meet my beloved Jesus if i receive them; i will, however, meet those other beautiful souls in His arms, if they hear and receive His word. His word is far more precious than any of my wants. they must know and feel His love, His mercies, His compassions.
while corrie and other fellow ladies were being held in prison/cell rooms, she would have prayer sessions with them, telling them: "we must thank God, in all things" many of the women moaned at this: "how can we?!" and she insisted. one woman replied back, "even for the fleas?!"--as the prison room they were being held in was infested with fleas. sweet ms. corrie responded back, "yes, even for the fleas." and she led them in a prayer of thanks for the fleas. it happens that these fleas were God's protection of them: as the other women in the surrounding prison rooms were being raped nightly by the "guards" ms. corrie and these women were spared this fate, as none of the guards wanted to go in this one room because of all the fleas.
i examine last summer, and i thank God for that turmoil now. i examine other valleys i've walked through, and i thank God for those now too. i say, "anything of Your will for Your glory."
in the end, when my life is over, it won't matter what possessions i owned, what status in society i was held at, or who to, or even if i was married--all that will matter is being welcomed into His arms, hearing "well done good and faithful servant." there's a quote by voltaire (not that i really recommend one to read all of his works..) "i want to lie at your feet and die in your arms"--volaire most certainly did not mean this to be regarding his relationship with Christ, but, it perfectly describes mine. in the end, i want to be in His arms, daily, i want to simply lie at His feet. now and then, nothing else will matter. i want to see the impoverished, neglected, oppressed, abused, orphaned, welcomed into His arms as well.
last year, when i was in africa with a team from visiting orphans, one of our fellow team members stated so lovingly and pointedly: "all these orphans, here, they live in poverty now, and are the "last", but, they're going to have front row seats at the feet of Jesus in heaven--the last will be first and the first will be last--and we're all going to be in the back" we all celebrated at this thought. not much brings me greater joy than to think of these beautiful orphans and widows having front row seats at the feet of Jesus.
as time gets closer, and my countdown app reads a shorter and shorter time for my africa departure, more and more arrows fly, more stones are thrown, and i hear the footsteps of the enemy growing louder: and i look to this as confirmation, he hates for the Lord's will to be done, and he hates those that carry it out. he can hate me, i will love that he hates me.
at a conference these past few days, i heard some of my favorite theologians/pastors speaking, one of whom, john piper stated in his message on mission and the will of God, "our bones should boil within us to see the will of God done in all areas of the earth" this is a beautiful description: my bones boil within me, my heart burns within me. it can't not.
all the wants and desires of my heart, i must lay aside. all the things of the world, i must lay aside: no receipt of my fleshly wants will i take to heaven to meet my beloved Jesus if i receive them; i will, however, meet those other beautiful souls in His arms, if they hear and receive His word. His word is far more precious than any of my wants. they must know and feel His love, His mercies, His compassions.
there are time that my heart has grown heavy, and i say, still now, thank you for the fleas. i will embrace it, for Your glory.
time grows closer and i look around, all the possessions i've accumulated, matter so little to me. i would give anything to replace these things i hold in my hands now with the hands of the lost, the faces of the crying, to be embraced and prayed over. this will come, in 4 months, and my heart leaps with joy once again, typing this. there is a constant intercession in my spirit, the Holy Spirit stiring within me, that those who have so little here, have such a unspeakable value to Him-and He calls me to embrace them. i will do this with a glad heart. they are precious, His blood is precious--and i cry desperately for them to know that, and He has called me to tell them. my hands reach for them now, and i will embrace them, and His blood will cover them too, and my heart will sing at this.
"i have found the paradox: if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love" --mother teresa
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