uganda is known as "the pearl of africa" and upon visiting it, one can understand how truly descriptive this is for this beautiful country. i traveled to uganda after spending a week in ethiopia with a team from visiting orphans. one of the most heart breaking truths of this pearl is this: there are still many children/orphans affected by the lra (lords resistance army). child soldiers are one of the most gut-wrenching tragedies of our day and the stripping away of their youth and childhood joy continues on in other countries as well. there have been charities formed to aide in this crisis, including: eXile international, project ak-47, and invisible children. i would highly recommend becoming acquainted with one of these amazing ministries.
i still laugh as i remember the common occurrence of hearing "mezungu! mezungu!" being shouted as we walked by and small children pointing and laughing. if there's ever a place where it makes you laugh to be pointed and laughed (not at, just regarding ;) ), it's here!
we had an opportunity to visit a remote village while in palisa. this was one of my favorite experiences. this small village had a tiny little church at it's center, where this community of families came together to worship their Creator, their savior. the charity: mocha club (named because it's only $7 a month to support an african leadership program--the cost of two mochas) has a motto: "i need africa more than africa needs me". and being in this remote village, that becomes so close to heart. one cannot deny the sweetness of community that exist here. something we in the states miss out on, tragically.
it's somewhat difficult for me to speak out of my heart regarding this trip, this time in uganda, because it is so deep within my heart. maybe i'll get better at that.
our last day in uganda, we visited return uganda. a ministry founded by pastor samuel. you should check out their website. :)
i've known since i've returned from this trip in the summer of 2010, that when i went back in 2011, i would not return to the states. i didn't know how this looked, i just felt it in my heart.
so, here's where we are. i am returning to ethiopia and rwanda in august and have an incredible opportunity to stay and be a part of this incredible ministry to the orphans, return uganda, instead of coming back. i feel as if my heart is already there. i feel as if my eyes are gazing upon these beautiful children instead of my actual surroundings. i feel as if the african air is breezing over my skin instead of the chilled tennessee air. i feel my feet are treading on african soil instead of walking these roads of nashville. my heart is there already, and always has been. i know that God's created a heart in me to serve the widows and orphans. nothing brings me greater joy than to be amongst those i went to serve last year.
i'm often told by those that have casual chat with me, "wow, that's so amazing, you're so brave to leave all this behind"; but, to be quite honest, i just can't understand this. i'd be more brave to stay here and ignore my heart, and the pulling of the Spirit. i'd be more brave to stay here and fill my life with stuff instead of people. it's not my calling. it's not my heart. africa is. orphans are. "the least of these" are.
so, here i am. i perhaps may sprinkle a few updates on here as i'm able to pull these deeply passionate thoughts and feelings out of my heart, but, i'll update regularly once i'm over there. :)
i still laugh as i remember the common occurrence of hearing "mezungu! mezungu!" being shouted as we walked by and small children pointing and laughing. if there's ever a place where it makes you laugh to be pointed and laughed (not at, just regarding ;) ), it's here!
we had an opportunity to visit a remote village while in palisa. this was one of my favorite experiences. this small village had a tiny little church at it's center, where this community of families came together to worship their Creator, their savior. the charity: mocha club (named because it's only $7 a month to support an african leadership program--the cost of two mochas) has a motto: "i need africa more than africa needs me". and being in this remote village, that becomes so close to heart. one cannot deny the sweetness of community that exist here. something we in the states miss out on, tragically.
it's somewhat difficult for me to speak out of my heart regarding this trip, this time in uganda, because it is so deep within my heart. maybe i'll get better at that.
our last day in uganda, we visited return uganda. a ministry founded by pastor samuel. you should check out their website. :)
i've known since i've returned from this trip in the summer of 2010, that when i went back in 2011, i would not return to the states. i didn't know how this looked, i just felt it in my heart.
so, here's where we are. i am returning to ethiopia and rwanda in august and have an incredible opportunity to stay and be a part of this incredible ministry to the orphans, return uganda, instead of coming back. i feel as if my heart is already there. i feel as if my eyes are gazing upon these beautiful children instead of my actual surroundings. i feel as if the african air is breezing over my skin instead of the chilled tennessee air. i feel my feet are treading on african soil instead of walking these roads of nashville. my heart is there already, and always has been. i know that God's created a heart in me to serve the widows and orphans. nothing brings me greater joy than to be amongst those i went to serve last year.
i'm often told by those that have casual chat with me, "wow, that's so amazing, you're so brave to leave all this behind"; but, to be quite honest, i just can't understand this. i'd be more brave to stay here and ignore my heart, and the pulling of the Spirit. i'd be more brave to stay here and fill my life with stuff instead of people. it's not my calling. it's not my heart. africa is. orphans are. "the least of these" are.
so, here i am. i perhaps may sprinkle a few updates on here as i'm able to pull these deeply passionate thoughts and feelings out of my heart, but, i'll update regularly once i'm over there. :)
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